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Work With Me in 3 Ways

White Brown Minimalist Yoga Class Facebook Post (1600 × 1600 px) (2.5 x 3 in) (1).png

À la carte options available for sculpt, yoga, and more! You can also rent library replays. You choose.

White Brown Minimalist Yoga Class Facebook Post (1600 × 1600 px) (2.5 x 3 in) (3).png

Get certified in one of the most comprehensive, visually inspiring, and artistically designed Yoga programs.

White Brown Minimalist Yoga Class Facebook Post (1600 × 1600 px) (2.5 x 3 in).png

In personalized 1-1 sessions with Nikki, you will shed layers of outdated patterns to reveal the luminosity of your soul

golden logo in a transparent presence
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